Friday, June 11, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Friday's is my big grocery shop day. The Mother-in-law comes over in the afternoon and baby sits for me while I go out for an hour or so and get my shopping. It's one of the best hours of the week for me, I get to leave the house and be baby-free!
I got a New World flyer this week, but none from Countdown or Foodtown, which annoys me because I always look thru them and find where the best buys are. I am prepared to drive to 2 stores to get the best bargains.
I popped into Countdown first and did the majority of my shopping at New World. Somehow, I managed to spend $70 at countdown, and I only planned on spending about $25. oopsy. But they had meat on special and reduced. I love looking for reduced meat, I always feel like I got a bargain. And I still spent about $130 at New World. How come groceries are so expensive?!
In reality, I won't need to shop next week and a lot of the stuff will last for ages, and is just to stock up my freezer. I have a standup freezer and it always has to be FULL or I feel like we have no food, and my pantry is always packed to the top with tins and full Tupperware.

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